Around one in ten students has a specific difficulty with their learning which needs special attention by teachers. Making sure teachers and parents have the tools they need to help is a significant challenge, but real progress is being made.

Companion House helps schools to reach out to migrant families.

Thirty four school canteens received a much-needed boost this term, winning Canteen Improvement Grants, the last phase of Council’s successful and long-running Canteen Improvement Project.

Looking for ways to connect with your kids and the learning they do through reading? Read on.

Council recently purchased a new Australian resource to help parents and teachers better understand dyslexia — a set of DVDs titled 'Outside the Square: Empowering children with dyslexia in our schools'.

A new government program aims to address traffic problems around schools while getting more kids walking and riding to school.

Carolyn Fisher, former P&C President at Belconnen High, explains how the P&C re-branded and re-invented itself to better fit the challenges of high school.

This free workshop for parents of students with learning difficulties (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia) is being repeated due to popular demand. Presented by educational and developmental psychologist Mandy Nayton for the Education andTraining Directorate, it will provide parents with a greater awareness and understanding of the impact learning difficulties can have on children of all ages.

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations (Council) proudly congratulates Vivienne Pearce on being recognised tonight with a 'Friend of Public Education Award', presented by the Australian Education Union as part of Public Education Week.

The use of technology in schools has changed a lot in recent years. In this update, provided by the Education Directorate, we hear about online learning tools which the Directorate has provided to all ACT public schools.

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