The ACT Council of P&C Associations – the peak representative body for ACT public school parents - is calling upon the ACT Government to match the Federal Government’s $180 000 chaplaincy money with funds for secular counsellors.

Council regularly makes formal submissions to official inquiries and government bodies to represent the views of ACT public school parents.

The ACT Council of P&C Associations (Council) can see no need for a major overhaul of the Australian Curriculum and is satisfied with the curriculum as it is being implemented in our schools.

Grants are a great income source if you can ace the application process.
To help, we've collected tips and resources - plus a list of relevant grants.

Schools with well-resourced libraries have higher student literacy outcomes. Does your school have a qualified teacher-librarian?

P&C associations sometimes need to seek legal advice.

In what we hope will be a regular feature, ACT P&Cs share their approaches and activities. This issue, P&C President Jo Prezzi tells us what's happening at Palmerston Primary.

Through Council, P&Cs can share expertise, learn from others and network.

Traffic and parking problems around our schools appeared as a major issue at Council's last Hot Topics meeting. Here we look more closely at the issue and the actions we can all take.

Over 40 years of research has shown how important getting parents engaged in learning and schooling is for their children's wellbeing. Earlier this year the ACT Government funded a project to better define effective parent engagement in the ACT and to help schools understand and measure it in their communities.

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