Mandy Weidmann, known as Australia’s ‘Fundraising Whisperer’, shares her tips for welcoming new parents to the school — and hopefully your P&C. 

Maclaren Wall, Council’s Policy Officer, explains what our schools can expect from the new ACT Government and how Council will continue to be involved. 

As the ACT election nears, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations (Council) has released an Education Report Card grading candidates on their school policies. 

Canberra’s key public-school parent group, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations (Council), is calling for ACT election candidates to commit to prioritising student safety by addressing the traffic chaos around schools.

Representatives of public school parent organisations are asking ACT election candidates to offer help to P&Cs (Parent and Citizen Associations).

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations today welcomed promises from the ACT Labor, Liberal and Greens to provide much needed upgrades to school buildings and grounds.

Tonight, parents will be asking ACT election candidates to commit to measures to fully support public school students at an Education Election Forum hosted by the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Association (Council).

Principals, teachers, parents and social-service providers from across Canberra came together in June to explore ways of creating a sense of belonging at school for migrant and refugee parents and students in a unique forum.

Paul Magarey has organised a school bike ride at Lyneham Primary for the last five years. Here he tells how it has become a major fundraiser, as well as a highlight in the school’s calendar.

Responding to the Canberra Liberals’ recent policy announcement, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations (Council) welcomes flashing signs in school zones.

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