Over the past 70 years CPS (previously called Canberra Nursery Kindergarten Association) has delivered a wide array of services to the Canberra Preschool Community.

This link provides a detailed history of Canberra Preschool Society. It includes copies of Meeting minutes with the history dating back to 1940!


Celebrating a proud 70 year history


Canberra Preschool Society AGM

Date: Tuesday 27th March, 2018

Time: 7pm

Location: Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching & Learning

              51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling

Come along and meet the Executive Officer and the CPS committee. We'd love to meet our Preschool Parents and answer any questions that you may have about the preschool year ahead!


One of the any ways parents can contribute to their educational program is through fundraising. At times parent associations in consultation with their teachers may choose to fund excursions such as trips to the theatre or local attractions that will compliment the learning occurring in their classroom.

Many parents also fund incursions such as the magic man, drama shows or yoga programs that a run over several weeks that would be over and above the regular school budget.



Many of our parent committees host a family picnic day.

This can work really well at the beginning of the year so new families can get to know each other. A family picnic day is also a great way to finish up a busy year at preschool.

Your preschool parent association may orgainse a social BBQ. These type of activities show great parent interest in your child's learning environment.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis of the current P&C business model.

As a part of good governance, it is appropriate that we occasionally review the way we operate and manage our affairs.

The business model for local school P&C Associations has changed little over the decades and it therefore seems timely to undertake a review of the current model.

We surveyed our members to see what they think - see the results here.

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