Council Executive member Jane Koitka has some great tips for grandparents wanting to be more involved in schools, and for parent associations looking for volunteers.

End of year school reports will soon be on their way home, but many parents tell us they find them hard to interpret. The Education Directorate has provided more information for parents.

At Council’s General Meeting in May, parents had many questions on the use of ILPs in our public schools. The Education Directorate's Jean Walker has provided some answers.

Crystal Cox: New Council Executive member & Gowrie Primary P&C Volunteer

Jayne Trustum - New Council Executive member & Neville Bonner Primary P&C Secretary

The Education Directorate is taking a new approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education, as the Directorate’s Patrick Chapman explains.

A whole-school camp out on school grounds — complete with toasting marshmallows on an open fire — sounds like loads of fun and a great way to bring the school community together. It also sounds like an organisational headache! Bonnie Rappola, Council Delegate for Southern Cross Early Childhood School, explains how they made it work.

In May, one school volunteer was celebrated as a true friend of public education.

We are pleased to announce the merger of the Canberra Preschool Society with Council, giving us — together — a renewed focus on early childhood education, and greater resources to support and advocate for parents of Canberra’s youngest kids.

During the last ACT P&C council meeting some people were asking who our school uses for Bookpacks.

We at  school of 620 students have been using for the past few years and they have been great.

The P&C fund the initial order cost towards the end of the year, but put out an invoice/payment request to parents in forth term to request payment to the P&C through 'flexischools' before the end of term for next years bookpacks.

The stationary is kept at school in the classrooms all year with the teachers allocating what they need. 

At the end of the year the teachers share out what is left over to the kids to take home, which is usually very little. any books etc they just keep over until the next year.

With this request for payment we explain what the arrangement is and that the kids are getting a better package doing bulk ordering and through the P&C rather than kids bringing random items in or the school ordering through the whole of government supplier.

This system has worked well in our community and the teachers have expressed how easy it has been that every child has access to the same items and there is no arguing/fights about people stealing items, as they are class use.

Hope this helps other schools have the same experience.

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