Before the end-of-year rush descends on your volunteers, it pays to look ahead to the new year.

A Games Night at Namadgi school showed what can happen when school staff, students and P&Cs work together

While launching our Reconciliation Action Plan, Council invited all member organisations to join us on our journey of understanding, connection and respect.

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations is proud to announce that, tomorrow night, Yvette Berry MLA, ACT Minister for Education will launch our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan.

Community input, respect and understanding have been the vital first steps in addressing violence in our schools.

If communicating better with parents and building community is at the top of your P&C’s wish list, the Class Carer Program at Chapman Primary may be something worth emulating.

P&Cs have told us of difficulties operating their bank accounts, so we spoke to the major banks to clarify the best accounts and processes for parent associations.

At Council, we put our members — ACT parent associations — at the centre of everything we do.

We connect you with the tools and skills you need to lead your P&C; connect you, through our representative work, with decision-makers in government; and connect you with each other!

We know that managing bullying is a serious concern for many students and families. Council’s Communications Officer, Janelle Kennard, looks at one program already having an impact in our schools.

The ACT Government announced its budget for 2019-20 in early June. How did schools fare?

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