As an ACT Incorporated Association your P&C must report to Access Canberra via a series of specific forms.

As a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC), your P&C must report to the ACNC.

Alison Elliott - Council President, and Macgregor Primary School P&C.

NAIDOC Week is the perfect opportunity for your P&C to instigate or participate in some enlightening activities!

The P&C at Mount Stromlo High School has been focusing on informing parents and bringing them together.

The school fete is among the long list of cancelled events this year. While other events have been moving online, could that really work for a fete? Latham Primary School P&C decided to give it a try!

The ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations – the peak body for public school parents - welcomes back the democracy sausage, in a COVID safe way.

On the eve of school holidays, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations says that pubic school parents are very pleased to see election candidates focusing on education.

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations – Canberra’s peak body for public school parents – urges ACT election candidates to focus on student wellbeing.

ACT’s peak body for public school parents welcomes the promise this morning by ACT Liberals to expand the ‘Smiling Minds’ mindfulness program across public schools, and calls on all major parties to match the commitment ahead of the ACT election.

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