NAIDOC Week ideas for your P&C

NAIDOC Week is the perfect opportunity for your P&C to instigate or participate in some enlightening activities!

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

In 2024, the week will run from July 7 - 14.

This year’s theme chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee, is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud.

The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Your P&C or school might be interested in running an event to celebrate NAIDOC Week. To support this, Council have brainstormed ideas and compiled some resources below.

Suggested NAIDOC Week activities and ideas for P&Cs/schools

  • Host a film or TED talk screening. Reconciliation Australia has lots of resources including a recommended reading list, and the Reconciliation Film Club has a great selection of films and documentaries from leading Indigenous filmmakers and walks you through the process of organising a screening.
  • Start a P&C book club! Reconciliation Australia have a suitable book list.
  • Organise a disco featuring music from indigenous artists
  • Hold a flag raising ceremony
  • Work with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander artist to produce an artwork representing the theme
  • Invite Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander dancers to perform or artists to visit the school
  • Host a community BBQ or picnic
  • Lunchtime basket weaving lessons
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parent and student breakfasts
  • Buddy class activities (Reconciliation Australia website has great resources for these)
  • Learning traditional skills and games (eg. Buroinjin)
  • Traditional dances at breaktimes
  • Whole school assemblies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guest speakers and digeridoo players
  • Create an indigenous garden to grow bush tucker
  • Encourage school staff to be part of an indigenous book cub
  • Create rainbow serpents woven into school fences
  • Stolen generation stories from local First Nations people

Take a group to visit a cultural site, or encourage families to go:

Hints for P&Cs

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin and it’s ok to start small. Consider supporting and enhancing the activities your school already has planned:

  • purchase some indigenous stories for the library for impromptu reading sessions
  • provide refreshments or bush tucker at school events
  • Share photos of your activities with Council so we can promote these through our communication channels as inspiration to other P&Cs!