At Council, we get many questions about how P&Cs can spend their hard-earned funds. Veronica Elliott answers all your questions.

Hit a snag? Finding P&C-things difficult? Perhaps we can help.

There are lots of resources to help your committee get their dollars and cents in order.

Most of us know of The Green Shed as a great place to drop off unwanted goods when our cupboards get too full, but did you know that for schools, the Shed offers free items for students to create with, upcycle or explore?

It is easy for P&C office bearers to take on too much, struggle with too few volunteers and then feel burnt out at the end of year. The best way to avoid this is to plan now!

How can you get more parents involved? It’s a perennial question. We took a look at a friendly approach that is working at Fraser Primary.

When you leave your position on the P&C, it is important to handover well to the next person, so they have the confidence to do the job and your valuable knowledge is not lost!hand

At the end of each financial year, P&C treasurers must have their financial records looked-over by a third party. We have resources to help!

Creating and promoting healthy canteen foods, without going out of business, remains a challenge for many P&Cs. We caught up with a couple of school canteens to hear about their journeys.

Online safety is a huge concern for many parents. The Education Directorate have provided this update on what schools do to keep your kids safe, and what you can do at home.

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