The Council’s Executive is its board of management and as such is responsible to Council members (public school parent associations) for the efficient and effective management and administration of the Council. The Executive Committee sets Council's strategic direction, deliberates policies and development, and provides planning and research.
Members of the Executive are recorded as 'directors' of the Council with the ACT Office of Regulatory Services and the Australian Charities & Not for profit Commission (ACNC).
Conflict of Interest/Disclosure of Member Interest
Decisions of Council need to be informed, objective and fair. Member interests outside of Council may influence the way you act or decisions you make. For this reason, all Executive Members are required to disclose material personal interests, using this form. A personal interest may be considered material where it influences decisions or voting of a particular matter.
Major roles
Together, the Executive (all Executive Members plus the Executive Officer):
- are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of Council (you will need to be familiar with Council Constitution and By-Laws). The first few pages of this ACTCOSS document give an excellent overview of what is meant by 'good governance' and the Executive Committee's role
- represent Council in attending meetings with Government and other organisations and participating in Directorate committees and working parties (see Speaking on Behalf of Council and Reporting on Meetings)
- represent Council in the media (media training is offered, or speak to the Communications Officer)
- ensure that the goals set out in the Council’s Strategic Plan are achieved.
- are responsible for financial oversight of the organisation - three members are elected to the Finance Sub-Committee (usually the President, Treasurer and Executive Officer)
- Council is funded by member fees and a ACT Government grant. Executives oversee the expenditure of Grant funds. Under clause 3.6 of Council’s Deed of Grant, these funds can be used to:
- Support affiliated associations;
- Promote parent participation in ACT government schools;
- Advise the government on views, expectations and concerns of parents; and
- Support participation on relevant committees and working parties
- but not for party political purposes or to fund a lawsuit.
Executive Meetings
Executive Members also attend Executive Meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month, excluding school holidays at our offices, from 7-9:30pm.
You can generate a listing of Executive Meetings on our calendar by entering 'executive' in the search bar.
Papers are circulated at least 7 days before each meeting by email, including agenda, reports and other relevant documentation/background. Copies are also provided at the meeting.
Other input and correspondence
Many issues come up in between meetings and have to be dealt with urgently. This is often done via email and your input, ideas and responses are appreciated. The office will provide you with contact details for other Executive Members to facilitate conversation and consultation.
A folder containing all of the correspondence received in the Office is available at meetings, so you can look up any item of interest. If you would like a copy of any correspondence, please ask the office.
Help with your role
Office staff are here to help you with your role - call or email at any time. They all work part-time, but respond as quickly as possible. Individual emails are provided below, or you can email the general email address. All office staff will get a copy of your message if you email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Monday to Thursday)
Communications Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Mon, Tues, Fri)
Policy Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Mon, Tues, Fri)
Early Learning Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Mon – Thurs)
Executive Assistant: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Mon, Thurs, Fri)
You may also find our Information Sheets useful, especially those on Council.