
In September, Council representatives attended a symposium focusing on the importance of parental engagement in education. Communications officer, Janelle Kennard, reports on what was a fascinating two days.

Every school needs a teacher librarian, write Holly Godfrey and Olivia Neilson.

Four academic studies in the past year have found that the quality of private schools in Australia is not better than public schools. 

Most ACT public school grounds are now fenced and schools are reaping the rewards.


A new report has questioned the benefits of homework, prompting Council to investigate.

An alarming majority of parents consider roads around our schools unsafe, regard traffic volumes as unmanageable, and find parking, pickup and set-down at school difficult. These are the disturbing results of a survey conducted by Council in response to recent member concerns.

Schools with well-resourced libraries have higher student literacy outcomes. Does your school have a qualified teacher-librarian?

P&C associations sometimes need to seek legal advice.

In what we hope will be a regular feature, ACT P&Cs share their approaches and activities. This issue, P&C President Jo Prezzi tells us what's happening at Palmerston Primary.

Traffic and parking problems around our schools appeared as a major issue at Council's last Hot Topics meeting. Here we look more closely at the issue and the actions we can all take.

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