
Struggling with too few volunteers but appreciating knowing more about what happens at school: these were the biggest ups and downs for our P&Cs last year, according to our member survey.

Last year Ainslie Primary released a glossy, professional cookbook as a major fundraiser. P&C President Nova Inkpen details its creation and success.

For students deciding which foods to buy, the way the canteen promotes and presents them is paramount. A new project from the Healthy Kids Association (HKA) is set to help school canteens market their healthiest options – for healthy kids and profits

A recently completed ‘Community Kitchen’ at Hughes Primary School opens up the school to international families in a new way.

Around one in ten students has a specific difficulty with their learning which needs special attention by teachers. Making sure teachers and parents have the tools they need to help is a significant challenge, but real progress is being made.

Companion House helps schools to reach out to migrant families.

Thirty four school canteens received a much-needed boost this term, winning Canteen Improvement Grants, the last phase of Council’s successful and long-running Canteen Improvement Project.

Looking for ways to connect with your kids and the learning they do through reading? Read on.

Council recently purchased a new Australian resource to help parents and teachers better understand dyslexia — a set of DVDs titled 'Outside the Square: Empowering children with dyslexia in our schools'.

A new government program aims to address traffic problems around schools while getting more kids walking and riding to school.

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