From the Council President Liane Joubert

 It's hard to believe that we are already at the end of Term 3. It has been a busy time for the P&C Council and for our members. 



It is wonderful to see so many P&Cs taking advantage of the Spring weather to host events.

A gentle reminder to please ensure that your P&C checks with your insurer before hosting any events to protect your volunteers and your community. 

Term 3 has also been busy for the Council.

We hosted a highly successful Public Education Election Forum with over 100 registrations, providing an important platform for community engagement with the ACT Election candidates, more specifically the Education spokespeople.

I want to thank the office for putting together a professional forum.  

Our submission to the Unpaid Work Inquiry highlighted key concerns, and we've actively consulted with the Education Directorate on its new Disability Model.  

Throughout this term, we have consistently represented the voices of our members, raising issues such as staffing shortages across the ACT public school network.  

We thank you for your continued support and involvement in our shared mission to enhance education in our community.

Enjoy your break!