Starting Preschool or Starting School?

A child who is happy to go to school is a child who is an engaged learner. 

Transition to School Resources

In the ACT, Children can attend 1-2 years of free public preschool followed by kindergarten when they are between 3 and 6 years of age.

Council's annual Transition to School Parent Forum is run in collaboration with the ACT Education Directorate to provide practical tips to prepare for preschool and kindergarten.
This parent resource list is a handy guide to all the early years information for parents.

Some very simple tips for parents include: 

  • Visit your school or walk past in the lead up to day 1 and try to connect with other families - due to the Coronavirus there may be restrictions on parents entering school grounds - walk around the grounds when possible and enquire with the school to see if there's an opt-in online parent community. 
  • Talk positively with your child about starting school and read together every day.
  • Practise getting ready for school, packing bags, and remembering their hats!
  • Check that your child can unpack, and unwrap their lunch simply.
  • Join your school's parent association to meet other parents, school staff and get involved.
  • Talk about what a day at school might be like, there are many great books about starting school
  • Ensure your child is well rested and try to be on time for school. 
  • Be clear about the pick up arrangements after school.

Remember, schools are getting ready for you too. 

hands up in class