It’s so important that communities have a voice and you can only do that if you have an organised group. So, if I have some time, I’m going to put that into community-based efforts.
I first went along to a P&C meeting because they put out the call for more people to help make quorum. I’m a massive believer in good governance. Without quorum you can’t make decisions at meetings. Your organised efforts falter.
Since that meeting, I’ve been the fundraising co-ordinator, the President and Vice-President. I’m now wrapping up my involvement in my local P&C and so lots of people have been thanking me for what we’ve done. Reflecting on it, we’ve done a lot! We’ve now got a rolling calendar of events and fundraisers that the community look forward to, with a FAQ on how to run each of them. That relieves the burden on volunteer organisers.
I’m now enjoying my involvement with Council and getting insight into the background workings of what Council does and what happens in our schools.