
After more than two years with few opportunities for fundraising or community events, it was a delight to see the success of P&C-run election day stalls across Canberra in May.

How do you host a great night for the school community and raise funds at the same time?  Put together a great P&C team, add support from the school, some personality and hijinks, plates of tasty food and – Bingo! – job done!

Share your family's experience in our 5-10 minute survey.

Kirsty McGovern-Hooley has long been a passionate friend of public education. That has now been formally recognised in a Public Education Week Award from the ACT Education Union.

The ACT Container Deposit Scheme is a great way to teach students about sustainability while raising funds. Here’s how two Canberra schools achieved some amazing results.

How do you renew, nurture, and grow your P&C in today’s difficult environment? Maree Wright, past President at North Ainslie Primary P&C, shares their journey from struggling committee to thriving association.

With help from an ACT Government grant, Turner school parents, staff and students have created a wonderful garden space to learn, yarn and connect – to both Country and community.

Gordon Primary School P&C President & Council Executive Member

Kaleen Primary School P&C Vice President & Council Executive Member

Council is proud to be part of the RSEA - Relationships and Sexuality Education Alliance - which was launched late last year to advocate for comprehensive relationships and sexuality education. All parents are invited to be involved.

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