
Parents’ early years at school are a critical point to get engaged. So we think every primary school should have an Early Learning Parent Representative. Marina Spurgin, Council’s Early Learning Officer, talked to several reps to find out what the role involves and the benefits they see.

Amid renewed calls for changes to school-based sex education to include consent, Policy Officer, Veronica Elliott, recaps Council’s work in this area in the past few years.

Chatting with other parents while the kids play isn’t new. In recognition that there is more to gain — for individuals, the school and the community — than simply a pleasant few hours, many P&Cs are organising opportunities for the whole school to take part. We talked to two of them.

How can you keep your P&C doors open to all parents?  Melissa Lee from the Council Office attended ACT Volunteering’s workshop on Inclusive Volunteering for Organisations and shares her learnings.

Normal Yap – Council Executive Member and delegate from Harrison School 

David Pollard – Gold Creek School P&C President and Council Treasurer 

It’s not exactly a glamorous topic, but understanding your P&C’s constitution will help you govern your association well – and legally!  Here are the answers to your constitution questions.

Many P&Cs are looking to re-invent themselves. So we wondered — if you were to start from scratch, what would your P&C look like? We caught up with Canberra’s newest P&C to find out how they approached it.

There is a certain magic to being new —  new year, new classes and teachers, new students, new parents and families. It’s a good time to remember that first impressions — and the way you communicate with families and potential volunteers — can have a lasting impact, writes Marina Spurgin, Council’s Early Learning Officer.

Council strives to be the parent voice on public education – and in 2020 we had a lot to say – but how does it work and what do we achieve?

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