Media Releases

Media contact:  Ms Frances Stewart,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations is disappointed and worried by the long-term cuts to education announced in last night’s federal budget.

During the week of May 17 – 24, public schools across the ACT will be holding events to celebrate the crucial role that parents play in schools. Council is calling it the Week of Celebrating School Communities.

The ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations is calling on the Commonwealth Government to provide a full six years of Gonski funding for schools in its upcoming budget and ignore several hastily-considered reports on education funding released this week.

The ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations will be joining teachers and parents in publicly calling for the Federal Government to support the ‘Gonski’ model of school funding.

With last year's NAPLAN results due to be publicly released on the My School website this week, the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations is reminding parents to view the results with caution.

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