Council submission to ACT Government Independent Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy

Council has provided a detailed submission to the ACT Government Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy based on information received via Council’s election survey, the literacy session for parents held in May 2023 and general feedback from members.

Parents consider good literacy and numeracy outcomes a key component of their children’s education and recognize that literacy and numeracy outcomes may be affected by a range of factors.

Key recommendations made by Council include:

- A consistent evidence-based approach across ACT public schools
- Providing multi-tiered support systems so students get the level of supports they need in school
- Consistent assessment tools
- High expectations for all students
- Parent resources that clearly explain the approach to teaching and learning in classrooms, and what parents can do if they have concerns about student progress
- A more a equitable spread of experienced staff across public schools

Council looks forward to further engagement as the recommendations are implemented.

Read our submission in full.